Animals in my Forest

<p>A flock of wild turkeys. The first time I saw the flock of wild turkeys on a walk (both them and me), I wondered if they were owned by one of my neighbors but had got out of their cage. My suburbanity showing. But no, we&rsquo;ve got a couple dozen wild turkeys around. Most often I see a whole bunch of them together, but sometimes just two or three. A couple of times I have seen a mama with a half dozen chick, incredibly cute. Sometimes a turkey takes it in it&rsquo;s head to peck at one of my car&rsquo;s tires for a while. Doesn&rsquo;t seem to hurt either one of them though. I love seeing them and hearing their gobbles. But I cannot get closer than 20 or 30 feet and then they run away. Funny thing, though, they are not afraid of cars at all! Sometimes when they are in the road it is hard to get them to move and let my car through.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Animals FOREST