Tag: Angular

3 Key Recipes to Navigate Your Angular Routes

I’m going to be honest, I have a love-hate relationship with Angular. When things are working as it should, it’s fantastic. When it’s not and there’s minimum guidance or ‘harder’ resources to help you out, then it becomes super frustrating. But then again, it&r...

Angular 16.0.1–16.2.1 Is A Craftsmanship Effort

Angular 17 works begin. Let’s wrap up features introduced in Angular 16.0.1–16.2.1 before we’ll open popcorn for the new Angular major line! Somewhere around October 2022 we had some important Angular 15 features released with some more in Angular 15.1.0. In May, ...

Angular 16.0.1–16.2.1 Is A Craftsmanship Effort

Angular 17 works begin. Let’s wrap up features introduced in Angular 16.0.1–16.2.1 before we’ll open popcorn for the new Angular major line! Somewhere around October 2022 we had some important Angular 15 features released with some more in Angular 15.1.0. In May, ...

Why Are Developers Still Using Angular?

Angular. The framework that has seen more seasons than your favorite TV show. While the tech world is notorious for its rapid changes and fleeting trends, Angular has managed to stick around like that catchy tune you can’t get out of your head. But why? Let’s dive deep into the reasons d...

A Comparative Analysis of React and Angular in Modern Web Development

In the realm of modern web development, two prominent JavaScript frameworks, React and Angular, have garnered significant attention for their abilities to streamline the process of building interactive and dynamic web applications. While both frameworks serve the same purpose, they exhibit distinct ...

Boost Your Angular Skills with These Mind-Blowing Tips and Tricks

Welcome to the world of Angular, where powerful web applications come to life! If you’re already familiar with this incredible framework, you might think you’ve seen it all. However, in this article, I will tell you about some hidden treasures that will take your Angular skills to a whol...

Using Angular cache with library

How the angular cache can interfere with the build of an application. I was reading this nice article about Angular cache (starting with version 13), and it reminded me that I stumbled upon an issue with this feature regarding the development of libraries. Basically, if you install a li...

Code Smells in Angular

In one of my previous post I talked about “Clean Frontend Architecture” and principles that should be followed in order to positively influence the maintainability and scalability of frontend applications. This time I would like to show the most common “Code Smells”...

Angular Reactive Forms

In the world of web development, creating interactive and user-friendly forms is a critical aspect of building engaging user interfaces. Angular, a popular JavaScript framework, offers a powerful feature called Reactive Forms that allows developers to create dynamic and robust forms with advanced va...

Angular: Best Practices for 2023

Angular development is known for its robustness, scalability, and performance, making it popular among web development companies and developers. Hence adopting best practices in Angular development leads to consistency, code readability, performance, maintainability, and scalability. It helps tea...

Angular 16 Unveiled: Discover the Top 7 Features

Angular released a major version upgrade, Angular 16, on May 3, 2023. As an Angular developer, I found this upgrade interesting since there were some significant improvements compared to the previous version. So, in this article, I will discuss the top 7 features of Angular 16 to give you a ...

Component communication in Angular for Senior devs

Exchanging data between different components is just an essential task in any application. Angular is not an exception here. Despite how common it is, there are multiple in-build approaches. Sometimes those may not be enough, and you would have to figure out some fancy workarounds. How do you kno...

7 Advanced Techniques for Dependency Injection in Angular

Hello, developers! Today, let’s deep-dive into the labyrinthine world of Dependency Injection (DI) in Angular. If you’re looking to write Angular code that’s clean, modular, and easy to test, understanding Dependency Injection is essential. This article serves as a comprehensive gu...

3 ways to learn Angular Framework in 2023

Hello guys, if you want to learn Angular framework for web development in 2023 but not sure how and where to start then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best Angular courses, books, tutorials, and interview questions and in this article, I will share&...

Ideal Angular Directory Structure: Organizing Your Project for Success

One of the fundamental aspects of maintaining a scalable and maintainable Angular project is having a well-structured directory layout. A well-organized project not only makes development easier but also helps with collaboration and long-term maintenance. In this blog post, we’ll explore the i...

10 Common Mistakes in Angular Development

We will go through 10 common mistakes with code examples that developers may make when developing Angular applications. Here is a brief overview of the examples we will go through: Poor Component Design: One common mistake is not properly designing Angular components. This includes not adhe...

Should You Use Angular in 2023?

Not too long ago, I was on a client call, and when the topic of Angular came up, he scrunched up his face and scoffed at it. “Who uses Angular nowadays?” he said. I wasn’t prepared for it. Then it turns out he’s a Vue guy, which is fine — everyone likes what ...

Avoiding Angular Duplicate HTTP Requests with the RxJS shareReplay Operator

In modern web development, Angular has emerged as a powerful and popular framework for building dynamic and responsive applications. One of the common challenges faced by Angular developers is managing duplicate HTTP requests triggered by multiple subscribers. These duplicate requests can result in ...

How to Embed Swagger UI into Angular

Swagger UI is a popular tool that allows you to visualize and interact with APIs defined using the OpenAPI Specification (OAS). Integrating Swagger UI into an Angular application can greatly enhance the developer experience by providing a user-friendly interface to explore and test APIs. In this blo...

How to migrate Angular CoreModule to standalone APIs

In this article we’re going to learn how to migrate commonly used Angular CoreModule (or any other Angular module) to standalone APIs! Angular standalone components and APIs are the future! Angular CLI now allows us to generate new Angular applications with standalone setup out of...

End-to-End CI/CD Mastery: Automating Angular Deployment with Docker, GitHub Actions, Teams Notifications, VPN, and SSH in One Comprehensive Guide

Introduction In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, teams constantly navigate a maze of challenges. One of the primary obstacles is ensuring that code changes are seamlessly integrated without disrupting existing functionalities. Picture an Angular development team: with ever...

6 ways to dynamically style Angular components

Writing style that updates based on a component’s state is a really common pattern on the web. There are several ways to dynamically update your styling depending on what you want to do. Let’s look at a few. Class and Style directives Using ngClass The simplest wa...

Understanding View Encapsulation in Angular: A Focus on Emulated View Encapsulation

Ever wondered how styles are encapsulated in Angular?  View Encapsulation is a powerful concept that helps developers manage styles and avoid style conflicts in their applications. It ensures the isolation of styles defined within a component and prevents styles defined in one component fr...

What’s the difference between [style] and [ngStyle] in Angular?

The above code would style the div using a color value set on the errorMessageColor property of your component. Thanks to the data binding, whenever that property changes, the div would get a new color. You can make the above example even more powerful using the tern...