Should You Use Angular in 2023?

<p>Not too long ago, I was on a client call, and when the topic of Angular came up, he scrunched up his face and scoffed at it.</p> <p>&ldquo;<em>Who uses Angular nowadays?&rdquo;&nbsp;</em>he said.</p> <p>I wasn&rsquo;t prepared for it. Then it turns out he&rsquo;s a Vue guy, which is fine &mdash; everyone likes what they&rsquo;re familiar with. But then it got me thinking, who are the Angular folks? Why do people choose Angular over easier things like React?</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s be honest, Angular isn&rsquo;t the easiest thing to pick up. It&rsquo;s a framework after all, so there are things you need to adhere to for anything to work.</p> <p>But Angular still has its perks.</p> <h1>The Perks of Angular</h1> <p>For the uninitiated, Angular appears cumbersome, with large swathes of knowledge required before you can even get started with the framework.</p> <p>But let&rsquo;s get real. That&rsquo;s with anything in general. When we&rsquo;re required to learn new things, some of us have an automatic resistor in our brains that feels the Dunning-Krueger effect most acutely.</p> <p>Learning new things becomes more annoying over time when we&rsquo;ve become accustomed to our comfort zone, especially when we&rsquo;re supposed to be the expert.</p> <p>But we&rsquo;re all noobs, at some level, and the more general concept knowledge you can transfer between frameworks, libraries, and ideas, the easier it is to get over that feeling when climbing the learning curve for something new.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>