3 Key Recipes to Navigate Your Angular Routes

<p>I&rsquo;m going to be honest, I have a love-hate relationship with Angular. When things are working as it should, it&rsquo;s fantastic. When it&rsquo;s not and there&rsquo;s minimum guidance or &lsquo;harder&rsquo; resources to help you out, then it becomes super frustrating.</p> <p>But then again, it&rsquo;s the same for any library, framework, or strange error that good ol&rsquo; Google doesn&rsquo;t have a straight answer to.</p> <p>For many, Angular routing is an issue that makes you just want to quit. In part, it&rsquo;s because many of the tutorials online give are just examples of how to implement basic routes and that&rsquo;s it. Finding something that fits complex scenarios can suddenly become a time-consuming trial-and-error process.</p> <p>Because Angular is a framework and frameworks often take time to soak in on an intrinsic mental level, the way routing is implemented, it can feel like overkill. However, after figuring it out, I think it&rsquo;s actually an underrated gem.</p> <p>Compared to something like React, which can be an ad-hoc patchwork of different methodologies, Angular&rsquo;s set-in-stone-this-is-how-we-do-it approach makes it less painful when you&rsquo;re working across multiple teams.</p> <p>In Angular, you define the routes in a separate module (usually&nbsp;<code>AppRoutingModule</code>) and use the&nbsp;<code>RouterModule.forRoot()</code>&nbsp;method to register your routes. Routes are defined as an array of objects, with each object containing a path and the associated component. In React, routes are defined using components provided by the React Router library, like&nbsp;<code>Route</code>,&nbsp;<code>Switch</code>, and&nbsp;<code>BrowserRouter</code>. These components are used directly within your JSX code, and the route configuration is more declarative.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/better-programming/3-key-recipes-to-navigate-your-angular-routes-c04528b8a38"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Angular Routes