Tag: Ancestral

Ainu Ancestral Remains, Long Held in Australia, Returned

On Saturday, May 6th, an Ainu delegation hailing from Japan entered Melbourne Museum in Australia for the fulfillment of a long-awaited promise. Said vow had been made some six years ago, but the controversy the promise concerned was far older. In 2017, then-ambassador to Japan Richard Court told th...

Spiritual Healing Master in USA | Divine Spiritual Healing | +1–503–825–2215 Guru Ji Narender Sharma 31 Yrs Exp. Ancestral Master

Let’s Introduce to you a knowledgeable and Ancestral Spiritual Master, (Guru Ji Narender Sharma) he has also been Felicitated by several Universities which shows his popularity across the world. Today’s In the modern era, It is a tough task to find a powerful, Genuine, and trusted Spi...

How To Connect With Your Ancestral Guides

While getting ready for the day with sunscreen, eye drops, and lotion, I usually listen to a guided meditation, channeled message, or personal development podcast. But last Tuesday, as I turned up the thermostat in the bathroom to make it feel like a sauna, a new meditation revealed its...

A Journey of Belonging: Embodying White Antiracism as an Ancestral Practice

White supremacy, heterosexism, transphobia, ableism, capitalism are systems of oppression that fog our souls away from knowing and believing in ourselves and each other. To love is hard, to heal is hard, to reveal the pain is hard. How little we grow into knowing how to care and hold each other. How...


I’m alive. Still. I know we never met but here I am. Yes. I am here. I am woman. I have birthed the future over and over. And now I am wilderness. So, before I become the forest floor and a future generation of lichen and fungi to feed the dreamer I figured it is time, now, to say hello. I ...


Just before Samhain, two thousand and fifty journeys around the sun ago. You are amongst family and clan. For weeks now, all of you have gathered the food of the forest, hillside and heath. Hunted whatever cousin you could kill, furred, feathered or finned. Smoked as much as you could and stored it ...

The Tokyo Ever After Series: Surface Level Exploration of Culture or a Reconnection with Ancestral Roots?

I initially wasn’t sold on wanting to read these books given the premise when I looked at the flap inside the book cover. It seemed predictable and full of tropes that I didn’t feel like reading anymore, but I was in a reading slump and decided to give it a chance. While I was right i...