<p>Just before Samhain, two thousand and fifty journeys around the sun ago. You are amongst family and clan. For weeks now, all of you have gathered the food of the forest, hillside and heath. Hunted whatever cousin you could kill, furred, feathered or finned. Smoked as much as you could and stored it all deep beneath either the longhouse , a strong, dense wattle and daub structure in which your extended family and all your domesticated livestock will winter. Your hounds, your horses, your hunting eagles. Others on this hand-raised hill fort, with its impassable ditches, live in smaller, but equally substantial dwellings that makes up your t&uacute;ath or finte. What will not, however, close for the long nights are the forges and clan gatherings. Not unless the blizzards or the gales come.<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ancestral