Tag: analytics

From analytics to actual application: the case of Customer Lifetime Value

Whether you’re a data scientist, a marketer or a data leader, chances are that if you’ve Googled “Customer Lifetime Value”, you’ve been disappointed. I felt that too, back when I was leading CLV research in a data science team in the e-commerce domain. We went looking f...

The Triad of Analytics, Machine Learning, and Generative AI in the Digital Business Evolution

Digital Business Transformation is crucial in today’s rapidly evolving landscape as it empowers organizations to harness the potential of technology to revolutionize their operations, customer interactions, and market positioning. By embracing digital tools and strategies, businesses can enhan...

Creating Interactive Analytics Dashboards Using Python’s Streamlit

Imagine you’re a Data Scientist, Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, or a Web Developer, and you want to transform your Python data script into a quick actionable insight. Streamlit is your answer. Streamlit is an open-source Python framework that allows you to effortlessly create web ap...

From Data to Motion: Video Generation in Python

We all heard that (almost) everything can be achieved with Python, but sure I was surprised to discover moviepy. In this article we go through pivoting data with DuckDB, using the data to generate 3D charts in Plotly, and creating a video with Python from chart images. Data transformation: D...

Building Your People Analytics Blueprint

In today’s world of data, that technology seems to be growing every second, we need a road-map to navigate transformative shifts. If you’re in charge of a new People Analytics team or considering where to channel resources, you might be thinking: “How can I truly harness this?&r...

Azure Synapse Analytics vs. Databricks

Both systems are well-known solutions for building up a Data Warehouse or Data Lakehouse, Microsoft offers both solutions in their Azure Cloud, but which is the better solution? Azure Synapse Analytics and (Azure) Databricks are both popular cloud-based platforms for Data Analytics and Big Data p...

How I Use Data Analytics in Real Estate Investing

Our business of over 16 years is delivering reliable passive income properties. A reliable tenant must continuously occupy the property to generate a reliable income. A reliable tenant always pays the rent on schedule, stays many years, and takes good care of the property. Since you will own the ...

Create GPTs to Automate Supply Chain Analytics

A few weeks later, OpenAI introduced a new feature allowing users to create custom versions of ChatGPT tailored for specific purposes. This is an opportunity for me to easily create and deploy an agent to automate Pareto and ABC analyses. In this article, I will introduce “The Suppl...

Predictive analytics and machine learning: the future of workforce optimization in logistics

Predictive analytics and machine learning have revolutionized various industries by providing valuable insights and optimizing processes. In the logistics industry, these technologies have proven particularly useful in optimizing workforce needs and improving workforce planning. By using predictive ...

The geometry of shooting

A key principle in my approach to football analytics is to make sure that all data is related back to the game itself. We should never introduce a number, a statistic or a metric unless we can say what it means in terms of a player’s actions and coaching decisions. We have already seen this pr...

How AirBnb Uses Predictive Analytics To Make You More Money

Do you want to know how to make more money with reports that help you make decisions for the future? AirBnb has over 5 million hosts and has reported to have a total of 1.5 billion successful stays since founding in 2007. Can you imagine 1.5 billion people standing somewhere? Looking for a ...

Cell & Gene Therapy: Building a Data Analytics Roadmap

The list goes on and on… These problems are known to anyone who has worked in the Cell & Gene Therapy (CGT) industry. And yes, before you swipe that credit card and pay millions of dollars to a consultancy to solve your problems, consider bringing in your own in-house expertise. Understan...