From Data to Motion: Video Generation in Python

<p>We all heard that (almost) everything can be achieved with Python, but sure I was surprised to discover&nbsp;moviepy. In this article we go through pivoting data with DuckDB, using the data to generate 3D charts in Plotly, and creating a video with Python from chart images.</p> <h1>Data transformation: DuckDB Pivot</h1> <p>Released in version 0.8.0, the&nbsp;pivot function&nbsp;aims to help data people pivot their data with SQL, directly with DuckDB. In&nbsp;my energy data warehouse, I am making use of pivots in order to plot the data in heatmap charts, either a combination of day and hour in a month or of month and day (name) in a year.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>AVG kwh production</p> <p>In order to retrieve the data I am making use of the&nbsp;<code>fact_hourly_metrics_v</code>&nbsp;macro (detailed&nbsp;here), which has as the parameters:</p> <ol> <li><code>source_query_timestamp_utc</code>, the timestamp the event was recorded by the source</li> <li><code>analytics_query_timestamp_utc</code>, the timestamp the event was processed in the analytics area</li> <li><code>from_date</code>, the start observation date of the event</li> <li><code>to_date</code>, the end observation date of the event.</li> </ol> <p>From it, I extract the most recent data for a certain observation date, and with&nbsp;pandas pivot&nbsp;I create a data frame that has a column for each hour and index the date from an observation month:</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>