Tag: Almost

Almost 30 and Not Feeling Pressured

My elders seem to think that I am not quite normal. How can a person be almost 30 and not want to get married or start a family, living a life dedicated to the household? To be honest, I don’t really understand it myself. Why should a person have to get married and have children just bec...

I’m Learning To Say No To Almost Everything

It’s a simple word, and often one of the first ones we learn, but many of us don’t use it enough. You may be aware that learning to say no is the key to a more peaceful and manageable life, but could it also lead to a more successful one? Some (very) successful people think it can. Wa...

Adventures of an ALMOST fifty-year-old backpacker: Canada Part 1

Adventures of an ALMOST fifty-year-old backpacker is a Substack newsletter that you can get straight to your inbox, for free, twice per month. It has tons of pictures, unlike the below. I will be embarking on a six month trip through NZ, AUS, SE and E Asia on December 15, 2023, and...