Tag: Alive

Ideas Are Alive

There is a fascinating phenomenon in the world, where thoughts seem to transform into tangible things. You may attribute this to the popular belief that thoughts create things, but there is another perspective that is worth considering. This perspective suggests that we perceive only those things...

Everything that we love makes us feel alive

I always loved blogging yet I have never been consistent with it because of so many reasons. Now I know that there are some things that I love to have in my life and without them I feel like…not myself. I love painting, as much as possible. I love writing, sharing with you about my ...

Where Amsterdam Comes Alive

Sangam and I visited a place called A’dam Lookout in Amsterdam. It’s a high platform where you can see an amazing view of the city. You’ll see the old part of the city, the busy port, and the special Dutch landscape with its canals, which are recognized as important by UNESCO. They...

The Big Lie that keeps the Uber bezzle alive

Uber is (still) a bezzle (“the magic interval when a confidence trickster knows he has the money he has appropriated but the victim does not yet understand that he has lost it”). And every bezzle — every bezzle — ends. Uber entered the market with an absurd propo...

London, the city that keeps me alive more ways than one

Since 2012 I have been and continue to travel up and down the train tracks between Edinburgh and London. Had countless appointments with the Prof, attending clinics, grateful for but not particularly enjoying gallium pet scans, various treatments, glowing like the Readybrek kid, setting of alarms he...

De Young Open proves to us the Bay Area art scene is alive and well

In case you haven’t heard: San Francisco’s art scene is dead. So dead, in fact, that the de Young had to pick from nearly 8,000 artists for its triennial exhibition featuring works from nine Bay Area counties. The Bay Area art world has been buzzing for months in anticipation of ...

You Kept My Heart Alive

As we enter the new year, we can’t help but reflect on the journey through 2023, a year weaved with highs and lows with joys and challenges. Through it all, one thing remained constant — the unwavering presence of God in our lives — the steadfast love of Jesus Christ and the guidan...

Which Artist, Dead or Alive, Would You Want To Create Your Portrait?

I didn’t consciously search for this answer — Aunt Katie’s question did — and as one who usually can remember everything about an artist except their name, I was disappointed that my answer was male, straight, white, and fully formed — all eight sy...