Which Artist, Dead or Alive, Would You Want To Create Your Portrait?

<p>I didn&rsquo;t consciously search for this answer &mdash; Aunt Katie&rsquo;s question did &mdash; and as one who usually can remember everything about an artist&nbsp;<em>except&nbsp;</em>their name, I was disappointed that my answer was male, straight, white, and fully formed &mdash; all eight syllables an express train out of my mouth.</p> <p>But what can I expect with my 90s upbringing, complete and utter whiteness, privileged western education, and brittle loneliness?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-memoirist/which-artist-dead-or-alive-would-you-want-to-create-your-portrait-7bf4f22911cf"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dead Alive