Ideas Are Alive

<p>There is a fascinating phenomenon in the world, where thoughts seem to transform into tangible things. You may attribute this to the popular belief that thoughts create things, but there is another perspective that is worth considering.</p> <p>This perspective suggests that we perceive only those things that occupy our consciousness as thought and all things that are possible of mental visualisation already exist.</p> <p>There is no such thing as a new thought as every idea or thought you have visualised has already been conceived in the mind of the higher intelligence. Each idea or thought will however appear new from the standpoint of your individual consciousness are you only able to apprehend it when it enters your perception</p> <p>As soon as an idea takes root in your individual consciousness, you soon perceive its material counterpart in the world. It then seems like the idea created the thing, but in actuality, the thing was always there, existing in the mind of the universal consciousness awaiting only perception by your consciousness.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Alive ideas