Tag: Alabama

Finding Pride in Violence: Alabama Boat Brawl Shows Black Unification

We have a zero-tolerance fighting rule at my school, and my students feel this is unfair. We usually discuss the issue in class at least twice. The first time is when we discuss reasoning and instinct. Most animals act on instinct, but humans, in theory, should be able to reason. If they are plac...

Severe Thunderstorms Welcomed Us To Southern Alabama

We drove five hours south to Alabama Coast Campground just 8 miles north of Orange Beach and settled in for another month (or two). Alabama Coast Campground entrance. Photo by author. We were smart enough to arrive here one day early because of the storms coming in. We got ourselves all se...

Alabama Politics Stops Rescue Efforts

Alabama Search and Rescue (ALSAR), a volunteer fire department, was dispatched by the Barbour County Sheriff's Office on January 12, 2024, at 9:07 PM for a critical search operation for missing child, Phenix Wilkerson. Demonstrating prompt and professional response, our team arrived on scene at ...

Bammas Got Clocked on Alabama Docks

There’s a lot of folks who have already broke word on the issue, and I highly recommend checking them out. But since you are here, I want to ponder on why did those white men decided to attack that man in the first place. I find attacking that man a bit bizarre when it comes to the culture ...

In Solidarity with Alabama IVF Patients

When I got the call that I had been approved for a round of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment to try to conceive a child, my husband and I breathed our first sigh of relief in a long, long time. Despite being young and healthy, we’d been trying for two straight years to have a baby. After...

Check Out This 200-Year-Old Cemetery in the Middle of Athens, Alabama

We tend to get so busy in life that we never slow down and investigate incredible things all around us. Well today, I decided to stop for a moment and check out the Old City Cemetery in Athens, Alabama. I’ve driven by it many times and noticed it was very old — but I hadn&rs...