In Solidarity with Alabama IVF Patients

<p>When I got the call that I had been approved for a round of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment to try to conceive a child, my husband and I breathed our first sigh of relief in a long, long time. Despite being young and healthy, we&rsquo;d been trying for two straight years to have a baby. After countless tests, bloodwork, and consultations, we learned what we had suspected for quite some time: I had tubal infertility and would require IVF if we wanted to get pregnant.</p> <p>Getting approved for IVF meant we might actually have a shot at building a family. It also meant careful planning, mounting bills, and seemingly unending disruptions to our work and life.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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