Tag: Ageism

Dancing With A Drunk Old Lady Was a Wild Ride — That Helped Me Heal From Ageism

The man couldn’t speak, but he sure knew how to twerk. The outside concert wasn’t playing twerk music, but the disabled 45-year-old man didn’t care. He came to twerk, and that’s all there was to it. I watched as the man, let’s call him Silent Twerker, held onto th...

Breaking Down Ageism and Age Denial, One Old Lady at a Time

Istarted cultivating relationships with “good” old ladies when I was only 46. My first old lady, Henrietta, was 75. I didn’t call her my old lady. I didn’t realize I would go on to amass a group of them. Nor did I truly understand how important my old ladies were...

Ageism is a Two-Way Street

After many difficult dental procedures, I have developed a consistent sense of dread when I have to go to the dentist. After two bridges, several crowns and a failed dental implant, I work hard to remind myself that the point of going to the dentist is to have healthy, functional teeth, instead of o...

Can Mary, at 58, Get the Job She Deserves? Confronting the Reality of Ageism.

Mary, age 58, is trying to find a new job after being let go despite many years of service. After sending out over 1000 resumes, attending numerous interviews, and conducting a grueling job search that lasted over a year, Mary finally took a job at 60% of her salary. Although Mary had years of exper...

Ageism — Rampant in the Workplace and Under Recognized

I am an “older worker.” The age that qualifies one as such seems to depend on the age of your colleagues. The younger they are, the more likely a person in their 40s can qualify for the definition of being an older worker. Me? Way beyond 40. I am 64. I work in a field that is tech hea...