Tag: Active

Life is Not About Being Active or Inactive

There is an old saying that “Life is about movement.” It means that people must be active and do something instead of being lazy and idle. This way, energy can build up and form a positive cycle. This statement is indeed correct. However, we should not interpret the phrase &ldqu...

How to memorize any information by active learning

“There’s no such thing as a good memory or a bad memory, there’s only a trained memory and an untrained memory” This article will cover the following parts: 1. Why you need to memorize 2. What is active learning and its components 3. How to memorize and deliver a ...

Active Directory Basics — TryHackMe

This room will introduce the basic concepts and functionality provided by Active Directory. Task 2: Windows Domains: In a Windows domain, credentials are stored in a centralized repository called… Answer: active directory The server in charge of running the Acti...

Mastering Active Directory Pentesting: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction Microsoft’s Active Directory (AD) is the backbone of Windows domain networks. AD penetration testing is critical for discovering and mitigating security threats. In this book, we’ll look at several Active Directory penetration testing approaches, commands, and samples. ...

An Introduction to Manual Active Directory Querying with Dsquery and Ldapsearch

Introduction Let’s be honest, BloodHound and PowerView are objectively better tools for querying, enumerating, and investigating Active Directory (AD). They are more efficient, intuitive and with BloodHound you can track queries easily. It is also worth noting before we ...

Getting Active in Copenhagen

My itinerary for my visit to the Danish capital was jam packed with activities, and I was excited about my arrival. From my experience in visiting other European cites, mid-summer is a great time to arrive, very much the height of tourist season, but the upside is the potential for pleasant and warm...

100% Retirement From Active Work Can Lead To Early Death

1. Loss of Purpose and Identity: When we retire, a significant part of our identity often revolves around our work. Complete retirement can result in a loss of purpose, leading to feelings of emptiness and, in some cases, depression. Maintaining a sense of purpose through continued engagement in ...

Active Learning, Data Selection, Data Auto-Labeling, and Simulation in Autonomous Driving

Deep Learning is going to be in every module of the Self-Driving Car software stack. These deep learning models use data as their learning material, and the quality of the data they are trained on determines their performance. As a result, choosing the optimum training dataset is just as crucial as ...

A List of Suggestions That Won’t Stop Active Shooters From Killing Kids

It’s a horrific event. The lives of tens of people were cut short for no reason other than prejudice, bigotry, and access to a gun. But to me, the real horror is that this is an evergreen article. I’m writing about the Uvalde school shooting, but I could be talking about any of the&nb...

There were active shooters on campus. Twice. In 2 weeks.

I’m an international student who has been at Chapel Hill for about a month now and we had a graduate student bring a gun on campus. A professor, the student’s PI, lost his life because of this. 1 minute from where I had class then. The campus went on lockdown, the sirens were going of...

Earth, an Active Planet

Tectonic plates are fundamental elements of Earth’s dynamics. These large rigid plates, which make up the surface of our planet, are constantly in motion and interact in complex ways. A tectonic plate is a gigantic, solid structure that encompasses both the Earth’s crust and a po...

The true meaning of active listening

I wish I were kidding, and in the past, I would have argued the opposite. For the longest time, listening was something I counted as a skill. I thought that being quiet while others were talking was enough. But listening is more than a politeness tick box. When we give someone our full...

Tutorial on Active Inference

Active inference is the Free Energy principle of the brain applied to action. It is relatively supported by experimental neuroscience studies and is a popular model of ‘how the brain works’. In this tutorial, we will consider the latest version, which is formulated as planning ...

Active vs. Passive Voice: What’s The Difference?

An active sentence like I drank two cups of coffee has the subject first (the person or thing that does the verb), followed by the verb, and finally the object (the person or thing that the action happens to). So, in this example, the subject is ‘I’, the verb is ‘drank’ a...