Tag: 2D

Unity 2D Mobile Adventure: Designing an Abstract Class for the Monsters

Today, I was continuing the GameDevHQ 2D Mobile Adventure project, and the goal for today was to design a parent script for the monster objects. This script will cover all monster basic movements and trigger their animations. Then, through inheritance, I’ll create scripts for each unique monst...

A Beginners’s Guide for Post-Processing for Unity 2D

The Post-Processing stack is a collection of image effects applied to change the looks of you game. They can help you create a polished effect for your visuals very quickly. From depth-enhancing vignettes, realistic motion blur, and interesting fish-eye perspectives, Post-Processing in Unity is a&nb...

Implementing 2D UI in VR

Now that we have our User Interface in our game, we want to display some text UI that explains what each lever and knob controls. In previous projects, I’ve used the UI Canvas using the Screen Space — Overlay for the Render Mode and this is great for ...