Tag: Written

OpenAI Discontinued Their AI Classifier For Identifying AI-Written Text

I’m currently the Chief Evangelist @ HumanFirst. I explore & write about all things at the intersection of AI & language; ranging from LLMs, Chatbots, Voicebots, Development Frameworks, Data-Centric latent spaces & more. AS seen in the extract below, a paragraph w...

Fall Thoughts

I guess you could now say it is written in stone. I am going back, and this time, I am doing so for far longer than ever before. It is quite nervewracking, to realize that in a little over a month’s time I will be boarding that plane, and returning to a place I have thought so much about ov...

Women Empowerment Essay: Written by ChatGPT

These are just a few examples of the many barriers that can prevent women from achieving equality and empowerment. It is important for us to work towards overcoming these barriers and creating a more equal and just society for all. Below are some ways we can help the cause. Women Empowerment &amp...

A Love Letter Written in Sand: The Tale of the Sahara and the Amazon

The Sahara Desert and the Amazon Rainforest are two of the most breathtaking and contrasting landscapes on the planet, each with unique beauty and allure. Despite being thousands of miles apart, these two environments share a mysterious connection, one that can only be described as a cosmic rom...

The Code Written Within Us

I think about how genetics and software are very similar. In genetic terms, as a result of the translation of encoded data into proteins by living cells, the code works unless an error or mistake is made. If there is an error in the codes, errors will occur in protein synthesis, meaning the code wil...

Did the Easter Island Have a Written Language?

Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island, is located in the Pacific Ocean, around 3800 km off the coast of Chile. It was one of the last landmasses humans settled around 1150 and 1280. Initially, it was a lush and forested island thriving with animals and life. However, the arrival of humans led to gra...