Tag: Environments

Search in AI 3D Environments

This is my second post on 3D Environments for AIs, which aim to provide a safe and convenient place to test and generate AIs. The first post covered much of the background and setup, but we barely scratched the surface. This post will delve deeper into actually giving a task for our AIs to do. ...

Docker — Utilize Docker Compose for Local Development Environments

Docker Compose is an excellent tool for defining and managing multi-container applications, and it’s particularly valuable for setting up local development environments that closely mirror production configurations. By using Docker Compose, you can simplify, providing all the services and depe...

Terraform manage multiple environments

When using Terraform to manage infrastructure, it is common to have multiple environments, such as development, staging, and production. Each environment may have its own set of resources and configurations. To keep the infrastructure code organized and maintainable, it is helpful to use modules. ...

GitHub Actions: deploying Dev/Prod environments with Terraform

Now that we have Terraform code ready to deploy an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster (see Terraform: Building EKS, part 1 — VPC, Subnets and Endpoints and subsequent parts), it’s time to think about automation, that is, creating pipelines in CI/CD that would create new env...

Testing changes in Isolation - Build Temp-Dynamic & Disposable Pull-Request FE/UI Environments

On this Post I will tackle the following problem by Building Temporary-Dynamic & Disposable Pull-Request Front-End Portal UIs Environments using Terraform, Terragrunt, AWS, CloudFront, Route53 and S3. The Problem: When starting a new Project, We Deploy the necessary infras...

Sending Files Over the Internet with Python’s http.server and Ngrok: A File Transfer Hack for Restricted Environments

In many work environments, transferring files to a remote server isn’t as straightforward as it sounds. You may have to go through intermediary servers — often referred to as jump servers or bastion hosts — as a part of the organization’s security protocol. In such a setup, t...

Exploring Evil-WinRM: A Powerful Ethical Hacking Tool for Windows Environments

In the world of ethical hacking and penetration testing, it’s essential to have a diverse set of tools at your disposal to assess the security of various systems and networks. Evil-WinRM is one such tool that has gained popularity among cybersecurity professionals for its effectiveness in Wind...

Taxation without Representation: How Being the Only Black Male Social Worker at a Predominately White Agency Constitutes a Hostile Work Environment

I am the only black male social worker at my job. I do not see myself represented within the space I work. This has led me to feeling extremely isolated and alone. I have addressed these feelings by joining online Facebook groups dedicated to black male social workers, researching seminars and works...

An unexpected partnership

Yeast, molds and other fungi are found in most environments across the world. Many of the fungi that live on land today form relationships called symbioses with other microbes. Some of these relationships, like those formed with green algae, are beneficial and involve the exchange carbon, nitrogen a...