Tag: Sacrificing

Family First: 5 Tips for Leaving Work on Time without Sacrificing Performance

It’s brutal because it’s true. And yet, society still stigmatises people who leave work on time. Screw society. Your family won’t thank you for obeying norms instead of being effective and organised. It’s possible to leave work on time and still outperform your colleagu...

Are We Sacrificing Our Values for Pleasure?

The rise of social media has only exacerbated the problem of short-term pleasure seeking. Social media platforms are designed to be addictive, and they constantly bombard us with images and videos of people who seem to be having the perfect lives. This can lead to feelings of envy, inadequacy, and d...

Are Women Sacrificing Their Intuitions In Exchange For Slim Privilege?

Overthinking is the enemy of the intuition. And our masculine-driven society is designed for women to overthink everything, including something as basic as keeping themselves alive through food. We are conditioned to aspire to fitting into an old pair of jeans from high school rather than feel nouri...