Tag: Hinduism

Hinduism and Buddhism: 18 Similarities and Differences

Hinduism and Buddhism are often hailed to be two of the oldest religions of the world. While Hinduism comes from Sanatana Dharma, many believe that Buddhism is nothing but a branch of Hinduism. However, it is necessary to determine that these are two different branches with various similarities and ...

Exploring Balinese Hinduism

Shiva, the cosmic force of creation and destruction, transcends mere symbolism in Bali. More than a deity, Shiva is a catalyst of change. The iconic Besakih Temple, Bali’s spiritual nucleus, pays homage to Shiva and other deities, portraying the intricate dance of creation and transformation. ...

How Hinduism Explains Death Beautifully

During my freshman year of college, we were asked to pick a topic for a communication project. I chose mine as “Death Is Beautiful.” I remember being laughed at for coming up with something that sounded so unusual. I tried hard to justify the beauty of my title but nobody would understan...

Hinduism and Buddhism: 18 Similarities and Differences

Hinduism and Buddhism are often hailed to be two of the oldest religions of the world. While Hinduism comes from Sanatana Dharma, many believe that Buddhism is nothing but a branch of Hinduism. However, it is necessary to determine that these are two different branches with various similarities and ...

What’s the meaning of Brahma Vishnu and Maheshwar in Hinduism

Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva is the Hindu trinity, also called the trimurti. The Supreme Spirit or Universal Truth, called Brahman, is represented in three forms, each corresponding to one cosmic function, Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver and Shiva is the transformer or destroyer. Because Hindu...


Hindu tradition holds that three of these great ages of this current universe have already passed away, and we are now living in the fourth one — the Kali Yuga. It is pretty hard to contemplate the meaning of the vast quantities of time expressed by the Hindu time scheme, so vast are the ...

Vivāha in Hinduism: A Sacred Union of Masculine and Feminine Principles

Coming together of a man and woman in marriage is a sacred institution in Hinduism, known as ‘विवाह vivāha,’ and it holds a profound significance that goes beyond mere household responsibilities and procreation. At its core, Vivaaha is a promise of collaboration between a man ...

Why Hinduism has only 27 stars when we can see 1000s in sky?

When a Hindu child is born, parents usually are eager to find out their child’s Birth Star. In Hinduism there are 27 stars. Each star has 4 “padams”. One might wonder how come we have only 27 stars when we can see 1000s in the sky! In Hinduism, there is a concept of Nakshatra...

The 10 Directions as per Hinduism

Among them there are four primary bearings for example North (Uttar), East (Purva), West (Paschim) and South (Dakshin) and four subheadings North-East (lshaanya), South-East (Aagneya), North-West (Vayavya) and South-West (Nairutya) remaining two are Hell and Heaven. This is obviously a legendary ...

Can we call Hinduism a “paganism” ?

There is a strange misconception about paganism, which consists in presenting paganism as a closed, precise, list of religions : European pre-christian polytheist religions. But paganism is not a list. Paganism is a broad category used to describe a certain type of religion : an ancestral and local ...

The place of women in Hinduism ~ Is it Sexist?

Evidence from the ancient past shows that female value was likely a little different than before the sexism that later became so pervasive. Many male centric religions – Islam to Mohammad, Christianity to Jesus, Judaism to Abraham, Siddharta Gautama. to Buddhism, Mahavir to Janinism, Zoroaster...

The Ideas of Carl Jung in Relation to Other Traditions — Hinduism

This is the latest in a series about the ideas of Carl Jung. I am currently discussing the parallels between his thinking and other religions. Having previously discussed Sufism, Taoism, and a brief excursion into Kabbalah (for details and links to articles please click the link above), I now t...

Enlightening the World: Swami Vivekananda’s Vision of Hinduism

Swami Vivekananda, a prominent Indian philosopher and spiritual leader, played a pivotal role in introducing the world to the rich tapestry of Hinduism. His vision cut across borders and boundaries, aiming to promote a better understanding of Hindu philosophy, spirituality, and its contributions to ...

Significance Of Wearing Consecrated Threads in Hinduism

Hinduism is belief having several ways to get away from evils. If you follow with heart and might, then surely you’ll get positive results. Amongst all these techniques and rituals, wearing holy threads on body parts also has its own importance. You must’ve noticed, a lot of Hinduism ...

Comparing Reincarnation Beliefs between Hinduism and Buddhism

The idea of reincarnation began in India with the birth of Hinduism. Mike Oppenheim at Let Us Reason Ministries says, “Reincarnation seems to be a prevalent view in our society today. Mankind has continually searched for answers about life and the afterlife, and there are various rel...

The Role of Patriarchy in Hinduism

In a feminist’s life, religion will always have an omnipresent (and sometimes nagging) role, especially if one identifies with a religion or grows up in a religious community. It is very tricky to reconcile gender roles and religion because many religions rely on patriarchal structures and the...

Maya In Hinduism: Understanding the Divine Play

Maya is a well-known and extensively discussed topic in Hinduism. Mainly, it refers to the illusion of reality, which prevents us from seeing the ultimate truth of life. While Maya might be perceived as an hindrance to spiritual progress, it is also a tool for understanding the divine activity ...

Significance of Applying Vibhuti or Bhasma in Hinduism

“Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya” is few words hymned by the Sages, Pundits & your gurus. These’re mantras that’re hummed to request Lord Shiva for blessings. When one speaks the name Lord Shiva, it intuitively recalls him/her of the Tripundra; a representation formed ...