Why HTMX Won’t Replace JavaScript Anytime Soon

Ah, JavaScript, the language that backend developers love to hate. While many have tried to eliminate it from the development equation, it keeps coming back — like a boomerang or a catchy song. Enter HTMX, the new star of the “Can we please get rid of JavaScript?” club. Before y...

Lindy Approach to Web Development: htmx and Go

In the fast-paced world of web development, amidst the craze of the latest frameworks, the best solutions often lie in simplicity. In a recent article, we touched on localization for dynamic web content with Go and htmx . In this article, we’ll explore the combination of htmx and Go ...

Why HTMX is Awesome!

HTMX has jumped on the scene as a new and exciting technology. I share insight into what makes it awesome and a couple examples to get you started. The What “htmx gives you access to AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you...