Tag: domain

Use a .dev domain? Not anymore.

In the course of my work I sometimes test features on unreleased, upcoming versions of browsers. Earlier this week I opened up the upcoming version of Chrome only to find that the Medium’s development environment — the system we use to build Medium every day — wouldn’t load. ...

The Mini-Monorepo Maximize code reuse while protecting your domain boundaries

“Can you revert your last commit and use that third-party Dynamo locking library instead?” My team lead looked at me with his sharp, blue eyes. They were tucked under a strong brow and just visible over a large auburn beard. It gave him a permanent expression of seriousness. &ldquo...

Clean Code Is Slow, but You Need It Anyway

In case you haven’t heard, something really interesting is happening in the programming/software development scene on Twitter. It started from one of Casey Muratori’s videos on Performance Aware Programming. It is aptly titled: “Clean Code, Horrible Performance.” It stemmed f...

How to Implement Domain-Driven Design Common Mistakes You Should Avoid

In today’s chapter of my Domain-Driven Design journey, I want to dive into how we structure our code. This topic holds a special place for me. You see, when code grows, it can easily become a jumbled mess, making it hard to read, tricky to manage, and tough for anyone to get their head around....

What Means Domain in the Context of Domain-Driven Design?

Over a decade ago, I embarked on a journey into the exciting world of Domain-Driven Design (DDD). In the past, I even had the opportunity to write a column about it for VSOne magazine. I shared my hands-on experiences and insights into developing complex business applications with C# .NET. Today, I ...

Helping Teens Manage Their Finances… One Website at a Time

Managing finances can be one of the toughest things to do as a person living in the US, especially with the current economy. Through many years of frustration with the current system and lack of resources to obtain literacy, I have gained sympathy and understanding for those who have struggled in th...

Using Angular cache with library

How the angular cache can interfere with the build of an application. I was reading this nice article about Angular cache (starting with version 13), and it reminded me that I stumbled upon an issue with this feature regarding the development of libraries. Basically, if you install a li...

Oncall — A Nightmare or Golden Opportunity

In the software engineering domain, on-call has always been one of the most dreaded weeks. The constant pressure of late-night pages or a sudden outage where you could have no idea what to do seems daunting to process. I started working as a Software Engineer in 2017. That is when I came across t...

What Are Problem Space and Solution Space in Domain-Driven Design?

In my previous article on DDD titled “What Means Domain in the Context of Domain-Driven Design?”, we explored the essential elements of DDD, specifically focusing on the importance of understanding domains, core and subdomains, and bounded contexts. This foundational knowledge is cr...

Document Your Domain

In the following chapters, we’re going to go through the life cycle of creating an application from scratch. We won’t be writing any application code, but we will be documenting the important steps with diagrams. I’ve written the chapters roughly in the order I would go about each ...

Introducing D3: Next-Generation Interoperable Web3 Domain Names

Since its commercialization in the 90’s, the Internet has massively revolutionized the way humans have interacted with each other, shared information, and conducted business. Domain names have been the foundation for everything we do online — translating strings of text to IP addresses e...

Configuration of WSL in a Domain Environment

Introduction Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a powerful tool that allows Windows users to run a Linux distribution alongside their Windows operating system. It provides a seamless integration of Linux utilities and tools within the Windows environment. While WSL is primarily used for develop...

Working Group to Investigate Use of CC BY to designate holders of public domain collections

CC Open Culture Platform Working Group 5 focused on analyzing the need for cultural heritage institutions (CHIs) to be credited for the digital reproduction of the material, even when the material is in the public domain, to attest the origin of digitization while informing every potential user abou...