Tag: Understand

Understand your Data in Real-Time

In this blog post, we will be covering how you can combine and leverage the open-source streaming solution, bytewax, with ydata-profiling, to improve the quality of your streaming flows. Buckle up! Stream processing enables real-time analysis of data in-flight and before storage, and ca...

Understand your Data in Real-Time

In this blog post, we will be covering how you can combine and leverage the open-source streaming solution, bytewax, with ydata-profiling, to improve the quality of your streaming flows. Buckle up! Stream processing enables real-time analysis of data in-flight and before storage, and ca...

10 Must-Know Terms and Concepts to Better Understand ChatGPT and LLMs

The new rising star of the data science and AI ecosystem is large language models (LLMs). The rapid increase of the popularity of LLMs started with ChatGPT and soon became prevalent in social media, blogs, and scientific papers. This article is for those who want to learn about LLMs but find it d...

World’s 123rd Richest Person Says if You Understand the Stanford Experiment, You’ll Become Wealthy.

Sometimes in life, you need a little luck. Ray Dalio’s golden ticket was caddying at his local golf course, where he’d carry the golf bags of Wall Street professionals. He’d listen to the conversations and sometimes even get invited to dinners. It resulted in him making his f...

Why Movie Dialogue Is So Hard To Understand These Days

I worried I was having hearing problems a few years back. It turns out I was — but that’s not the reason I couldn’t hear dialogue. I especially noticed it during Game of Thrones. I had to turn the audio way up, in part because of the myriad accents actors had —and beca...

This 4-Step Process Can Help You Overcome Your Fears (And Understand Them Better)

I have explored the depths of fear for years. In writing and, more importantly, in life. When you quit a legal career you have spent a decade building in order to move to another continent to live with the love of your life (whom you have never lived with before) and start your own business (when...

Let’s Understand Linux

Hello Everyone, We known that there are multiple Operating Systems (OS). So, Today I will talk about Linux, We don’t go in-depth but we overview about linux with their commands, that we use linux in daily based. Let’s Start with What is Linux, Who Invented linux and Why? Introduction ...

To Understand The 2nd Amendment, You Have To Understand What Guns Were Like In 1792

David Grace (www.DavidGraceAuthor.com) Let’s go back to January of 1792, shortly after the Second Amendment was ratified. Guns Were An Important Tool In Daily Life In 1792 a majority of the population were farmers and/or hunters. Guns were expensive. A new rifle cost about a month&...

How To Understand Chemical Bonding And Its Type

What is Chemical Bonding? Definition: — Chemical bonding is the process by which atoms join together to form molecules or compounds. — Atoms are the tiny building blocks of matter, and bonding is like their way of holding hands to create something new. Read More &nbsp...

It Took Me 10 Years to Understand Entropy, Here is What I Learned.

Entropy was originally introduced by Clausius in the early 1850s in order to describe energy loss in irreversible processes, which turned very useful to predict the spontaneous evolution of systems (e.g. chemical reactions, phase transitions, etc). But at that time, this was more like an a...

Why Men & Women No Longer Understand One Another

Not that they could much anyway, but these days there is so much disparity between the sexes that people find it difficult understanding the wants, needs, motivations of one another. And rather than accepting that everyone is unique, people are tarnishing more and more whole groups of people with th...

5 Reasons Why You Need to Understand Skewness in Data Analysis

As a data professional, one of the critical tasks in any analytics project is to explore the data to get a summarized view of its distributions and patterns. During this process, you probably have encountered varying distributions of the data. One of the phenomena often found in data distribution...

Can Spanish Speakers Understand Portuguese?

I recently received this message in a work-related request. Apparently, if I can write in Spanish, it automatically qualifies me to write in Portuguese. Only if everything was that simple. Spanish and Portuguese both have their origins in Latin and both originated in the Iberian Peni...