Tag: Mirror

The Influence of Social Media on Self-Perception: Navigating the Digital Mirror

In the age of social media, our online presence often serves as a digital mirror reflecting back our self-worth, popularity, and perceived social status. However, this virtual reflection can have a profound impact on our self-perception, self-esteem, and mental health. In this article, we will de...

The Other Side Of The Mirror

I am you, always after you, chasing. I am your reflection, trapped in your behaviors, Living in this jail, looking at you: always. I have no choice but to witness: envy. Only if I could feel, if I could only touch: but I’m nothing. Only a reflection am. An image you seldom look at. Are...

The Spiritual Mirror I Was Forced to Look At

In 2017, a severe psychotic episode landed me in a psychiatric ward for almost two months. The experience was traumatizing and its aftermath led to some of the darkest years of my life. I spent most of that time in grueling EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy se...

Mystic Mirror: A Soul’s Journey through the Maze of Alternate Realities

In a city pulsating with life, where concrete giants kissed the very skies and a river of souls ebbed and flowed in a constant ballet, there lay a secret corner untouched by the march of hours. Here, the sun wove golden threads through the embrace of ancient trees, painting lu...

How to Give Feedback Without Hurting Feelings: The Mirror Holding Method

We all know the struggle of giving feedback, it’s like trying to tell your soulmate they need to lose weight without hurting their feelings. Many people worry that their feedback may hurt their employees’ feelings or negatively impact their productivity, leading them to resort to ...

Self Portrait in Yellow Shirt, Reflected in Elevator Mirror

The Choleric, a.k.a. “Who you callin’ ‘yeller’?!?” For centuries, the possible symbiotic relationship between colour and the intricacies of personality has fascinated scientists and artists. The exploration of the bond between hue and psyche dates back to Hippocra...

Mirror Neuron Systems, Biological Metaphysical Magic?

The Mirror neuron system has been dubbed the most important discovery of neuroscience in the last decades, it has been almost the most researched in its field since then, and it’s been claimed to be the key capability that shaped human behavior and civilization. Mirror neuron systems inside...

My mirror, my self…

Women the world over for millenia have checked the mirror, and are,yes, doing it today! [Sometimes multiple times a day -allthose selfies!!] - and I’m starting to think that a lot of the feminine identity is supported by the reassurance we take away from our mirrors. In our mirrors we see o...

When I Look In The Mirror…

I took deep breaths. With every breath I drew in, a feeble attempt to calm myself, I prayed to God that it wasn’t the breath that caused me to pour over. The breath of the little girl who doesn’t know where to go or what to do cuz the world never gave her enough time to figure it out; I&...

SmartCar: Set Rear Mirror Automatically using OpenCV and Python

Hi. I am Amir. Today, in this post, I want to implement an interesting and practical idea with our current knowledge in the field of coding and image processing. Ever wondered why you have to manually adjust the rear-view mirror every time you get in the car as a driver, especially when another driv...