Tag: Serpent

The Flood and the Serpent

You left me here, alone on this bench, to chase the serpent at sea, It promised you things that I never could, so you chose it over me. I knew it would bite you in the end, I tried to tell you in plea, But you wouldn’t hear it, nor did you fear it, and so I waited with unease. I wa...

The Crested Serpent-Eagle

In the Nagarahole National Park, in southern India, we looked about with unflagging intensity for tigers and leopards. Occasionally, the driver would brake and back up, and the forest guide would cry softly: “Serpent Eagle!” Most times, the bird stayed on its perch, being used to green s...

Mānasa Dēvi, the Serpent Goddess

Mānasa, the Snake Goddess, is worshipped extensively in Bengal, Bihar, Assam and in parts of the south. On Nāga Pañchami, falling on the fifth day of the ascending node of the moon in the month of Śravana every year, offerings of milk and parched grains are made to the Nāgas. in Bengal an...