Tag: Mother

Just So Y'all Know, Keke Palmer Was Already A Single Mother

*Deep Sigh* I so wanted to leave the Keke Palmer topic alone. I have literally been ignoring texts, tweets, videos, etc., for weeks, just hoping it would die down. But in true internet fashion, no one will shut up long enough to allow me and my opinions to rest. I mean, I was fine when I found ou...

Things I Couldn’t Tell My Mother

I love writing, as most everyone here does. However, over the years, I developed a habit of using my words as a shield to hide behind. I rarely offer insight or context in my poems, and I never argue with anyone about what they think it should mean. They might actually turn out to be right one day. ...

We’ve pissed off Mother Nature

Nature doesn’t fight. It balances. If you introduce wolves into a population of elk, the wolf population never increases far beyond the numbers of elk. One naturally predates the other and both species co-exist in balance. It’s in this co-existence that wolves change the grazing behav...

Giving Back to Mother Nature

Our planet is facing severe unprecedented environmental challenges, from deforestation and pollution to climate change and mas species extinction. The need for natural conservation has never been more critical. When we give back to the environment, we contribute to the preservation and restoration o...

Mother Teresa: A Tribute to Unconditional Love and Compassion

Mother Teresa, born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, Macedonia, was a woman who dedicated her entire life to serving the poorest of the poor. She became a symbol of love, compassion, and selfless service, an embodiment of the very essence of humanity. Her unwavering commitment to...

4th day of NavRatri — Mother Kushmanda : The Anahata

4th day of #navratri is #mother #Kushmanda … In #vedas “ku” indicates tiny, “ushma” implies energy, and “aand” means seed (egg) … hence mother through her energy seeded the creation of #brahmand — th...

3rd day of NavRatri — Mother Chandraghanta : The Manipura

#Mother #Chandraghanta is the #goddess of the 3rd day of #navaratri. The goddess of the previous two days #Shailaputri and #Brahmacharini were associated to the #muladhara chakra and the #swadhisthana #chakra respectively. #M...

The Mother Goddess of Turriga: Matriarchy, Myth, Principle of Existence

The Mother Goddess of Turriga, in Sardinia (Italy), dating back to the 4th millennium BC, is considered the most beautiful effigy depicting female sacredness, in the entire Mediterranean. It was found in 1935 by a farmer who, unaware of the enormous historical-cultural value of the find, left it in ...

One Sentence Taught Me the Risk of Becoming a Stay-At-Home Mother

I don’t know if I would have believed anyone who told me one sentence could be so powerful. Even if they insisted it would accurately dictate the risk of becoming a stay-at-home mother. It’s late in the evening and I make my way to bed. I’m tired but I grab some paperwork. ...

Thank God My Mother Isn’t Here to See This

Mygrandfather was Calvin Luther Muldrow. One of a dozen brothers and sisters, he fought in World War I. Although he died when I was young, I recall his stories about how he survived the Great War. I remember hearing how he spent weeks in a foxhole in the Swiss Alps, sick from the malaria that nearly...

Black Moon Lilith in Cancer: Primal Instinct of the Dark Mother

Black Moon Lilith, the abstract calculated point of lunar apogee (furthest point from Earth, closest point to the Sun) will wade into the dark and mysterious waters of Cancer Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 6:20 PM EDT where she will remain until January 2023. Black Moon Lilith is a shadowed story withi...

Mother, Moon, and Astrology On This Mother’s Day

Astrology is a symbolic language, using luminaries, planets, fixed stars and asteroids, to represent the physical, emotional, mental, and psychological realities on Earth. Their mathematical distances from a geo- (Earth-) centric perspective are measured in degrees along the ecliptic (Zodiac) and ho...

Getting a Hug from the Divine Mother

I remember vividly the first time that I saw Amma, the hugging saint, over a decade ago. Born Mata Amritanandamayi, Amma (which means “mother”) travels the world (or did until covid) giving people hugs. The experience is called darshan, or vision of God. A friend had suggested I ...

Brother From Another Mother

Identical people can be entirely unrelated Call it vain, but we give a great deal of attention and care to the way that we look. The way individuals look is an integral aspect of their identity and tells us a great many things about them. Our appearance, our physical traits, are markers of race, ...

What Mother Ayahuasca taught me about my relationships

Ayahuasca is known to be a very powerful plant medicine, and the stories you may have heard about it can be intimidating to say the least. I, myself, had first heard of ayahuasca about 10 years ago and wondered why anyone would put themselves through such an extreme experience. They say “you g...

Mother Goddess of the Three Realms.

The Vietnamese tradition of worshipping Mother Goddesses has been recognised as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, and so this collaborative project — curated by Company,Place — pays homage to the female deities who manage the skies, rivers, forests and moun...

World’s Youngest Mother Had A Baby At 5 And Doesn’t Want To Talk About It

When Lina Medina was five, her belly started to grow. Her parents were afraid it was a tumor so they took her to the village Shaman for advice. It was 1939 and they lived in a tiny village in Peru. The Shaman thought it might be a tumor, too. It seemed to be growing fast so he told them t...

The Satisfaction of Doing Things the Way My Mother and Grandmother Did

A few days ago, I stopped into a kitchen gadget store, looking for a dough blender. I was able to find one, but by all appearances, there seemed to be just one model available for sale. I was hoping for an opportunity to do some comparison shopping. I took the item to the sales counter and asked ...

Lashing out on English with Bryson’s Mother Tongue

According to Google, almost 1.5billion people speak English in the world in 2023. A greater number would probably speak English to some capacity, even saying “Hello. How are you? I’m fine thanks. And you?” just like any Cambodian children with working vocal cords would greet any fo...

The Importance Of Mother Tongue In Education

A historic milestone was achieved when as many as 14 engineering colleges in eight states decided to offer courses in regional languages. This revolutionary step is going to change the education landscape of our country. On the first anniversary of the National Education Policy (NEP), PM Narendra...

A mother tongue reclaimed

Kavita Pillay: Well, I guess the short answer is yes. But the long answer is that early in my life I was very exposed to Malayalam which is the language of the south Indian state of Kerala where my family is from. Actually when I was born — we were living in the US– one of my mom&rs...