Tag: Alchemy

The Spiritual Alchemy of Life’s Elixir

Before medicine started using the term ‘medication’ healers would often mix up elixirs in effort to save their patients. The word “elixir” comes from the Arabic word “al-iksir” meaning “the substance that can transform”. Many a quest has been undert...

Alchemy in the 21st century

we know metals are made of Atoms, rather than the 5 elements. However, if it were just atoms, metal transmutation should be possible, if we strip down a piece of metal into its constituents, right? Almost. Except, atoms have something called a ‘nucleus’, which is fundamentally differe...

The Alchemy of Knowledge: The Beginning of Chemistry

1. Alchemy’s Mystical Prelude The early chapters of chemistry find their roots in the mystical realms of alchemy. Alchemists, driven by a desire to transform base metals into gold and discover the elixir of life, laid the groundwork for the systematic study of substances. Whi...

Art & Quantum; Polymathic Alchemy?

Ever wondered the use of Art? Perceived as only for aesthetics? Surely not? the practice of art promotes creativity which is imperative for innovation. Here we look at the alchemy of science and art — The intersection of Quantum and Art is in itself exemplary of interdisciplinary discovery&...

Ancient Alchemy and Humanity’s Psychoactive Odyssey

If a super-intelligent entity has been shaping prehistory, science, and religion then what would be its ultimate goal? Supernatural deities across cultures and continents are closely linked with higher consciousness. Human evolution is likely psychoactive at the core. There is significant evidenc...