Tag: Sorting

Sorting 400+ Tabs in 60 Seconds With JavaScript, Rust, and GPT-3

I’m a serial tabbist. I admit it. Currently, I have about 460 tabs open across 5 brave windows. Let’s not even get started on the bookmarks. “B-b-but, they’re all necessary! So much knowledge! So many good links!” - My inner hoarder Yeah, I’m like an...

The sorting machine: Exclusivity, striving, and how designers can (re)make style

If I had to guess, I’d say that Michael Sandel — political philosopher and Harvard professor — doesn’t care much about fashion. By that I don’t mean he dresses poorly. In fact, in his tie-less oxford shirt and sport coat, he cuts an affable figure of the academia a...

Hierarchical Sorting of Legal Text Using NLP

In the ever-evolving landscape of Legal Tech, one of the key challenges faced by companies revolves around the intricate task of reconstructing hierarchical structures within regulatory documents after parsing. The ability to establish clear parent-child relationships between paragraphs is...