Tag: Seaborn

Try Seaborn : The Ultimate ‘Sea’-cret for EDA!

Data visualization is an initial step of data analysis (EDA), and Seaborn is a powerful Python library that makes it easy for us to bring out the hidden data through statistical plots. In this technical blog, we will be talking about various Seaborn plotting functions and how to use them for effecti...

Seaborn charts that every Data Scientist Knows!

The SepalLengthCm and SepalWidthCm are the length and width of the sepals of an Iris flower, calculated in centimeters. Similarly, PetallLengthCm and PetallWidthCm are the length and width of the petals of the Iris flower, measured in centimeters. Species indicate the species of the flower. There ar...

Learn Seaborn: A Brief Guide

In the previous tutorial, we learned why data visualization is important and how we can create plots using matplotlib. In this tutorial, we’ll learn about another data visualization library called Seaborn, which is built on top of matplotlib. But why do we need seaborn if we have matplotl...