Repository Pattern is INSANE if you know how to use it properly — Python

This is a complete and practical guide with full project code about Repository Pattern. Even if the code in this is written in Python, these ideas are general programming concepts and design patterns that can be implemented in almost t...

Britain’s Insane Rising Cost of Food Isn’t (Just) an Inflation Problem, It’s a Cultural One

Every time I return to the UK from spending time in Europe, I’m shocked by the price of food. I’m shocked at how cheap it is. And every day I hear about how inflation is hitting British supermarket shoppers hard. This is a difficult article to write but I think an impo...

The Insane Economics Behind the Idea of Retirement on This Island

Why Retire in Jamaica? With a pleasant climate and an easygoing lifestyle, one could look for more about retiring in Jamaica and ask if it is a good place to live during the golden years. The country has excellent cuisine, breathtaking natural wonders, and affordable housing options. It’...