Tag: Putins

Putin’s Oil Gambit

I recently stumbled upon some jaw-dropping news: Russia is on the verge of a second year of record-breaking oil drilling in 2023. Yeah, you heard it right! Despite all those pesky Western sanctions, Moscow is turning up the heat on its oil drilling game. Now, you might be wondering, how on e...

The Reason: The Mystery At The Heart Of Putin’s Invasion

Two years ago today, the Kremlin started a war for which it was neither mentally nor militarily prepared. Why did it do that? how did the idea of violently carving out a Greater Russia, backed up by mystical Orthodox nationalism, travel from the marginal fringes of Russian politics to become offi...

Putin’s Election Victory: A Powerful Mandate for the ‘Chinification’ of Russia

He wanted to ensure that no matter what happens next, “ they told him to do it.” The reinvigorated suppression and nationalization of the economy is what “they asked for.” With the image of a powerful mandate, Putin is poised to steer Russia back to a past that many though...