Tag: Informed

Baltimore Needs Trauma-Informed Care — for the Workforce

One of these days, I’ll write a piece about Baltimore’s workforce landscape and why it should be studied using a #traumainformed lens. Not familiar with the term? According to Google, “Trauma-informed pedagogy is a field in education whose objective is to acknowledge t...

You don’t have a thesis around Physics Informed Machine Learning? You don’t have a thesis around Physics Informed Machine Learning!

Okay. So generative AI is definitely having its moment — fueled, in part, by the pop phenom ChatGPT. There is no shortage of social media chatter around the good, the bad, and the ugly of large-language models, a sub genre of generative AI. Everyone’s a pseudo expert now. But … yo...

Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs): An Intuitive Guide

If you’ve ever tried to read existing literature on physics informed neural networks (PINNs), it’s a tough read! Either lots of equations that for most people will be unfamiliar and assumptions that you are already an expert with all of the concepts, or too simplistic to gain a good unde...

Making Informed Choices!

In our daily lives, decision-making is an integral part of navigating the world around us. Behind the scenes, probability quietly influences these decisions, providing a framework for assessing uncertainties and weighing potential outcomes. This article aims to explore real-life examples where the p...