Tag: Perils

The Perils of Clojure

Ready to unravel the mystery? Despite the skeptical title my faith in Clojure is unshakable. I think functional languages are to save the software world and the power of LISP-like languages — read homoiconic, macros & stuff — is just too hard to be ignored. And the intersection of th...

The Perils of Social Media for Disabled People

Social media can be treacherous for disabled people. Disabled people have had to deal with being told that pictures of their own faces and bodies should have had a content warning because it’s inappropriate and ugly. They’ve been accused of faking their disability. They’ve had thei...

The Rise of Conversational AI: Promises, Perils and Progress

As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly advanced and embedded in our daily lives, a new generation of systems has emerged that can engage in natural language conversations like humans. These so-called “Conversational AI” technologies promise tremendous benefits but also pose nove...

Beyond the Hive Mind: Challenging the Perils of Groupthink

Atthe core of human cooperation lies the delicate dance of group decision-making—a process fundamental in shaping our societies and cultures. Yet, lurking within the confines of collaboration is the psychological phenomenon of groupthink, a term coined by Irving Janis in 1972. Groupt...