Tag: Packing

The Definitive Guide that You Never Wanted: Packing Your Backpack

While shopping for new gear is really fun, finding the right gear is just the beginning. Once you have your go-to gear, the next step before heading out on that camping trip is learning how to use it properly. This includes the proper way to pack and organize the contents of your backpack. This isn&...

Optimizing E-commerce: Solving the Bin Packing Problem

The Bin Packing Problem (BPP) is a classic optimization problem with applications in a wide range of industries, including commerce, logistics, transportation, manufacturing, and distribution. The objective of the BPP is to pack a set of items into a minimum number of bins, each of fixed capacity, s...

Efficiency of the Shotput Packing Algorithm

We use the algorithm for every order that goes into the system. We take boxes available to a team — some teams we work with have specific boxes, they use, where as others use boxes available to everyone — from there we send each box accompanied by all of the products for an order through...

How Are Packing and Unpacking Services Charged?

Packing and unpacking services are valuable options for individuals and families looking to simplify the moving process. Whether you’re relocating locally or embarking on a long-distance move, these services can save you time and effort by allowing professional packers to securely pack your be...

Jet-Set in Style: Packing Tips for Chic Travelers

When it comes to packing for your travels, less is definitely more. Stick to versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to create different looks for various occasions. Opt for neutral colors like black, white, and beige that can easily be accessorized with bold statement pieces. Make sure to pa...