Tag: Operating

The Metaverse Needs An Operating System

If you’re an old git like me you’ll remember heading to the newsagent, slapping down some coins, and running home to code a game by hand from the pages of a computer magazine into a Sinclair Spectrum or Amstrad CPC-464 in BASIC or machine code if you were (un)lucky. (if you’re e...

Behind Your Screen: Unveiling the World of Operating Systems

At the heart of every computer lies an operating system (OS) — a software bridge that facilitates communication between hardware and the user. In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, OSs have become indispensable, governing everything from personal laptops to massive data centers....

Six Easy Steps to Normalize Toronto’s Operating Budgets

The widely and well understood (normalized) definition of an operating budget is: planned revenues, less planned expenses, leaving a planned operating surplus, which is distributed internally as needed (ie internal transfers). But the City of Toronto budget consists of only “revenues&r...

Operating Your 401(k)

In the US, the 401(k) is the primary retirement investment vehicle most of us have to work with. There are other vehicles, like IRAs, Roth IRAs, SEP-IRAs, and more, and those all work similarly. Essentially, you stick money in them (tax-free in the case of all but Roths), invest that money, and then...

A journey of improvements to Neurosity’s Brain Operating System

About a year ago, my friend Alex Castillo reached out asking for help with an embedded software project. His company, Neurosity, had just released a major new version of the software stack running on their flagship brain-imaging device and they were experiencing some pretty bad perfor...

Data Product Operating Model

This article is based on my observations building data products using Agile/Scrum. I have seen data products built and execute no different from IT projects. BUT, they use the term “Product” not “Project”. The process of developing products in organizations are somewhat...