The nyam of non-duality

<p>Our general stance is dualistic. We perceive the world by projecting it onto oppositions. Is this long or short? Inside or outside? Pleasure or pain? Space or content? Body or mind? Good or bad? We sift our experience through this dualising sieve and once we are done labelling it we believe that we know it. Experiences that we can&rsquo;t easily label may make us feel uncomfortable, but sometimes excited. The meditators community is not immune to this either. You can often hear that one should think less and feel more or stay in the body and not in the head. Good advice in certain contexts, but is this &ldquo;not this, but that&rdquo; dance the only way to experience reality and know the world?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: non duality