Tag: non

Time, toxic productivity and urgency cultures in non-profits: part 1

This is the first of a two-part blog. In part 1, I explore how cultures of urgency and time-management approaches are affecting non-profit staff and the impact of the work they are able to do. I take an intersectional lens to understand how dominant approaches to time management interact with system...

Mastering Non-Technical Interview Questions : Answers That Impress

Introduction In a job interview, it’s not just your technical skills that matter the most just because there are a ton of developer out there with same level of skill as you are; your ability to e...

3 Non-Negotiable Money Rules I Follow to Strengthen My Friendships

I’ve only been in debt once when I borrowed $300 and lent it to my best friend. That was the last time I saw him. $300 was a lot of money for my 17-year-old self in 2004, yet little for a life lesson. The lesson turned into a rule I follow blindly. Never. Lend. Money. To. Fr...

A Non-Famous Millionaire Who Made A Difference

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have been among the richest people in the world for many years. They used to trade places regularly as Number 1 and Number 2 of the most wealthy people on the planet. Although they have been passed up by others in the rankings, they still each have over one billion doll...

“I have learned so much about bridging the gap between academic and non-academic worlds”

The scholarship funding I was awarded through the Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme was essential in enabling me to study in the UK as an overseas student from the US. When I started my course, it was my first time in Oxford and I immersed myself in faculty, college and Ertegun life. The ped...

Libraries and Non-profits

Libraries are well-known for supporting their communities in a variety of ways. Whether through welcoming spaces, useful information, or various services, this is one place that immediately comes to mind when people are looking for helpful resources. The cool part of how libraries function comes fro...

How to love with non-attachment

Sometimes children make this mistake with small animals. They “love” them so much that, in their rapture over holding or “hugging” them, they inadvertently crush or suffocate them. It’s a dark and painful realization, but illustrates the very real dangers of mis-chan...

The nyam of non-duality

Our general stance is dualistic. We perceive the world by projecting it onto oppositions. Is this long or short? Inside or outside? Pleasure or pain? Space or content? Body or mind? Good or bad? We sift our experience through this dualising sieve and once we are done labelling it we believe that we ...

Am I Non-Binary?

When I came out as bisexual in 2016, I thought I’d finally solved the mystery of why I never fit in with other girls. A few years later, I started questioning if I was even a girl at all. I grew up in a rural Atlantic Canadian province, the oldest of four siblings in a very religious family...

What Is Non-Dualism?

A concept that’s gathering traction among contemplatives is “non-dualism.” It’s definitely not new, but I’m seeing some Instagram posts, courses, and lectures centering on this concept of non-dualism. Non-dualism, in the context of spirituality or theology, refers to...

Criminal Justice as a NON-System

In the criminal justice system, there are three divisions. Law enforcement consists of the police force and have the primary focus on crime prevention, crime detection, and apprehending suspects for crimes committed. Next, the judiciary determines the level of punishment based on two simple factors ...

Asian Non-Hispanic

Combine the separate Hispanic question with the overall question on race for a single R/E question (Prewitt, 2018). “Despite being part of the Census form for several decades, empirical evidence has shown that this distinction between Hispanic origin and R/E is not resulting in valid data d...

Were Humans More Advanced Before Us?

That may be thinking too large. We don’t need to go back millions of years to look for civilizations, or non-human civilizations at that. Our current understanding of human settlements stretches back little more than 10,000 years, yet humans have had the same relative brain capacity, the same ...