Tag: duality

The nyam of non-duality

Our general stance is dualistic. We perceive the world by projecting it onto oppositions. Is this long or short? Inside or outside? Pleasure or pain? Space or content? Body or mind? Good or bad? We sift our experience through this dualising sieve and once we are done labelling it we believe that we ...

Beyond Boundaries: 1st Edition: The Duality of Justice

However, as we continue to advance in modernity as a more cohesive society, one morally clearer and more egalitarian than ever before, there has been unnecessary scrutiny of our fundamental institutions and core beliefs, divorced from the stated intent of our founding fathers and our governing docum...

The surprising origins of wave-particle duality

One of the most powerful, yet counterintuitive, ideas in all of physics is wave-particle duality. It states that whenever a quantum propagates through space freely, without being observed-and-measured, it exhibits wave-like behavior, doing things like diffracting and interfering not only with other ...

Beyond Black and White: Navigating the Gray Areas of Duality and Polarity

Duality and polarity are inherent aspects of the human experience, reflecting the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things. In the natural world, we see the play of opposites in the changing seasons, the ebb and flow of tides, and the cycles of birth and death. In our own lives, we exper...