Tag: NET

.NET Audit Implementation via the Entity Framework Change Tracker

A guide to using the Entity Framework Change Tracker to audit data changes in .NET. Credit: Microsoft.com Popularity for EF has skyrocketed since the release of Entity Framework Core and it has become one of the most widely used tools in the .NET ecosystem. This has largely been driv...

Copenhagen’s plan for net-zero

Copenhagen aims to be the first carbon neutral capital by 2025. This article explains how they plan to do it and hints at several obstacles along the way. First carbon-neutral capital by 2025 Copenhagen aims to be the first carbon neutral capital by 2025. Their report CPH 2020 Ro...

Hello from the Net Road

The assorted succulents above, pictured foregrounding a typical summer afternoon Taipei rainshower, have a story. The story is that they were neglected in the teachers’ office, but then a UV lamp was going to be used to disinfect the teachers’ office and that anything living needed to be...

Woven from Indra’s Net

In Huayan Buddhism — a school of thought which began in China and went on to influence several Buddhist lineages (including Zen) — Indra’s net of jewels is used as a way of conceptualizing our own situation in the universe. According to the Flower Garland Sutra&...