Tag: Loneliness

How AI Can Help With the Loneliness Epidemic

Welcome back! As one year ends and another begins, it’s time to restart my writing habit with another essay on the future of AI. Today we’re exploring a timely topic: loneliness. I’m lucky. For me, Christmas is a time of exciting anticipation. These two weeks, my days have been ...

11 Secrets About Loneliness That If You Are a Divine Being You Probably Know

Highly spiritual beings know the secrets of solitude. That is why divine beings since ancient times have sought solitude to take advantage of its benefits. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. Buddha meditated under a tree for a whole week. Lao-Tse lived his last days as a hermit. Wh...

The “Male Loneliness Epidemic” Does Not Exist

Mypartner is my best friend. This is because I am terrible at making friends, and I admit it. I tend to have two intimacy settings — either “you are my best friend and I will literally love you for the rest of my life and then die for you” or “excuse me, sir, can you point th...

Understanding This is the Ultimate Cure for Loneliness

There is a spiritual answer to all mental health challenges. The world of psychology isn’t willing to look in that direction. And yet, it is in that direction the answers lie. Are we so afraid that spirituality = religion that we are avoiding the truest solution of all? We live in a worl...

The Stigma of Loneliness: Why We Stay Silently Lonely

“I don’t believe the cure for loneliness is meeting someone, not necessarily. I think it’s about two things: learning how to befriend yourself and understanding that many of the things that seem to afflict us as individuals are in fact a result of larger forces of stigma and excl...

Loneliness is Pointless

The absolute silence dominated my routine jog this morning along an empty path, with the rising sun as my only companion. I was struck by how lonely we can be in the company of physical objects, even as magnificent as this giant fusion reactor situated 8.33 light-minutes away. This sense of loneline...

It’s OK for Men to Talk About Loneliness

Americans are lonely. All Americans are experiencing record levels of isolation and loneliness, but to read the headlines, you might think it’s only men who are suffering. In addition to this current focus on male loneliness is a certain amount of petulance about it. I see too many essays enti...

The True Source Of My Loneliness

I’ve always felt alone in a crowd of two. And three. And one hundred. And I’ve always questioned the root cause. Am I innately flawed? Or is it simply a dissatisfaction with the shallowness that I am forced to deal with on a daily basis? Am I equally as guilty of conversing in surface ri...

The Antidote to Loneliness

While solo hiking the coast of Great Britain for a year, I was frequently asked about loneliness; do I get lonely and how do I cope with it? Often they dreamed of solo hiking but were afraid of being alone. I’ve felt a great deal of loneliness in my life, and that feeling was one of the main r...

Where there was joy, now there is dread, and loneliness, and fear

A girl Sitting alone in a dark Cold room The only draft She knows Is the one that keeps her Shivering Learn More

Navigating the Maze of Modern Loneliness with Observations and Interactions

Being alone, if you’re not lonely, is a luxury. The whole world ignores you, and in return, you don’t need to give a rat’s tail about it. Loneliness can be a paradoxical beast until you need your tea, coffee, lunch, or dentistry. Though it is an individual feeling, it only manifest...

How Mindset, Self-Leadership, and Service Help Me Combat Loneliness

“What could I possibly learn from someone in their twenties?” said the 73-year-old who had been referred into the program I manage. This attitude, along with other factors can be exactly what holds many from creating the connection and belonging they seek. Part of my work at a mental ...

All of Us Strangers — The Unbearable Loneliness of Being

The extreme isolation of the film’s protagonist(s) becomes apparent from the opening shot, and escalates to jarring levels, almost too much to bear, by the film’s end. Adam (Andrew Scott) and Harry (Paul Mescal) are the sole residents of a developing resident building. They quietly ob...

How People Fight Loneliness in Different Countries

Australia — Men’s Sheds: In Australia, Men’s Sheds have become popular community spaces where men gather to socialize, share skills, and work on DIY projects together. These sheds provide a supportive environment for men to combat social isolation and strengthen connections with pe...