Tag: Stack

Building a Full-Stack Flask-React Web App:

Welcome, weary travelers of the Internet! You’ve ventured far and wide, seeking wisdom and morsels of code. Your journey has led you to the Oracle of Web Development: a blog post about building a full-stack Flask-React web application. Prepare for a cosmic, high-level, and minimally granular o...

Data Modeling in the Modern Data Stack

Data modeling is arguably the most impactful decision for a data team. It determines your architecture and the path that the whole team will follow. While this is not a new topic, the new tools and technology over the last decade have caused many to reconsider what’s best in a modern landscape...

The Modern Data Stack Through ‘The Gervais Principle’

Go and Google the term “Modern Data Stack” and search through images. What do you see? It’s one big slew of architecture diagram after architecture diagram, with data flowing throughout various systems from the left to the right in most, much sound and fury signifyin...

Stack Overflow: Putting the “BOO!” in “Comic Books”

Ms. Nomed has challenged her students to tell eerie stories, but for some reason Davis and Emily are very reluctant to share — and the teacher is particularly curious to hear what they have to say. With that framing story, there are five chilling tales, intercut with scenes from the classroom....

Is Midjourney losing its shine? And how does DALL-E 3 stack up?

OpenAI’s latest release, the DALL-E 3 model, is now accessible for ChatGPT Plus users. This means that if you’re a Plus user, you can now create AI-driven drawings within ChatGPT. What’s even cooler? Bing offers a free preview of ChatGPT! Head over to bing.com/create and newbies...

The simplest ETL stack in Azure — Data Engineering

Starting a Data Engineering project can be daunting, especially for newcomers. One of the initial challenges is understanding the flow of activities required to begin processing data effectively. This post aims to provide an example of a fundamental ETL process using Excel files, orchestrated with D...

Project — 4: Deploy a Lamp Stack onto AWS EC2 Using Ansible

Purpose of the Project : The primary purpose is to set up a reliable and scalable environment for hosting web applications. A LAMP stack is a popular choice for hosting dynamic websites, web applications, and content management systems, This project demonstrates the automation of server provisi...

Android Stack Weekly — Issue#96

Streamlined Android Sign-In with Credential Manager Passkeys Explore the latest in Android sign-in security and convenience with Credential Manager Passkeys. This blog post discusses how this feature simplifies and enhances user authentication on Android devices for a seamless experience. Crea...

Android Stack Weekly — Issue#95

Articles Custom Dialog Animation in Jetpack Compose Explore how to create custom animations for your Jetpack Compose dialogs, enhancing the visual appeal and interactivity of your Android app’s user interfaces. Android 14’s Privacy and Security Upgrades: Key Takeaways for Develo...

Understanding Activity Lifecycle and the Stack — Part 3

In this tutorial, we will be discussing a small topic related to the activity lifecycle. This topic is a continuation of the previous tutorial, so let’s dive in. In Android, the concept of activity and its lifecycle is based on a structure known as a stack. A stack follows the last in, firs...

The Ideal TabView Behaviour With SwiftUI Navigation Stack

There are tons of articles that explain Navigation Stack, which was introduced with iOS 16, but most of these pretty much reshare what Apple’s documentation says — and are similar to the sample Colors app that Apple shared. While that’s good to grasp the basics, it’s far from...

Enhancing Adaptability with Sensor Virtualization: How Our Perception Stack Seamlessly Handles New FleetsStack Seamlessly

Imagine this scenario: you’ve been using a fleet of classic sedans for your autonomous driving tests, and they’ve served you well. However, as your ambitions grow — or when Stellantis acquires your company — you decide to introduce a fleet of large SUVs into your testing envi...