Tag: Massachusetts

20 Ways to Recognize Someone from Massachusetts

I’ve lived in New England my whole life — Boston and surrounding areas, more specifically. And while I’ve met perhaps a handful of people who drop their “r”s aggressively enough to get any parking spot they wanted, there’s more to the great state of Massachusetts ...

“Donmatías, Massachusetts”

Donmatías is a Colombian town with a very unusual migratory behavior. A 2005 census found that around 5,000 Donmatieños had left their town and traveled to Boston, Massachusetts, a city 2,500 miles away. When the census was completed Donmatías had a population of 15,000. One in ...

Our Culture Will Collapse By 2030.

In 1972 the Scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) did a study of our resources, rate of growth and cultural factors and published it in a book titled Limits to Growth. In it they predicted our culture would “crash” by around 2030 if we failed to make drastic changes. ...