Tag: Gone

Where Have All My Spiders Gone?

As Pepper Dog walked towards the water tank, I beheld a stone in levitation. Pea gravel, round and brown, suspended in early morning light. This cannot be true! An old Indian rope trick? But, no! Robbie, my Indian is safe abed! I looked more closely. It was pea gravel wrapped in silk and anchored...

Youth Group Gone Wild

Across the globe, holy (and horny) Christian teens congregate weekly at churches to play organized games, flirt, sing worship songs, flirt some more, and listen to an inspiring message from the pastor. This phenomenon is known as “youth group.” In the 1990s, First Baptist Church (m...

Where Has The Love Gone?

Of course, it is not love that has gone anywhere; it is the false, fantasy self that has cracked apart. The false self cannot remain indefinitely, and when other parts of our personality begin to emerge, it seems as though the person we knew has disappeared. Charles was devastated. He idolized hi...

Gone Stark Raving Bitch

Living in solitude surrounded by nature, I was skirting all the rosy edges of those mood spectrums a bipolar person is inclined to visit. Now, being unwillingly thrust into the throngs, I’m mainlining those full-on bitch spectrums. This is why I lived in the wilderness for one-thi...

Has Representation Gone Too Far?

In case you missed it, Mars, the maker of M&Ms, recently announced the sale of limited-run M&Ms featuring its ‘female’ character colors: purple, brown, and green. The trio of female M&Ms is shown upside-down on the bags’ packaging, to “celebrate women everywh...

Where have all the Squirrels Gone?

While we were dealing with 2020, few of us in North Jersey noticed the nearly complete lack of acorns, but you can be sure the chipmunks and squirrels noticed it! But now this year you may be noticing something different — the lack of chipmunks and squirrels. What you’re observing is par...