Tag: fails

How Celi fails

In Celi’s deck, there’s a slide titled “Why not to invest in Celi.” It lists defensibility, carrying capacity, and cold start problem as risks and includes how we’ve indexed for each with peer-reviewed strategies and audits from those who have previously overcome the...

When the Linux single-purpose philosophy fails: NFS

There is a long-standing unchallenged axiom in the open-source world: the best applications are small and have a single purpose. If you want a tool to remove the background from a photo, you should have a small terminal program that receives a photo and outputs the photo without background. If you w...

When AI Fails on Oprah, Serena Williams, and Michelle Obama, It’s Time to Face Truth.

increased adoption of artificial intelligence for analyzing humans, I decided to pose Truth’s 19th century question to 21st century algorithms from 5 technology companies with facial analysis services: Microsoft, Amazon, Face++, IBM, and Google. To these companies I ask , “AI, Ain’...

When AI Fails on Oprah, Serena Williams, and Michelle Obama, It’s Time to Face Truth.

With the increased adoption of artificial intelligence for analyzing humans, I decided to pose Truth’s 19th century question to 21st century algorithms from 5 technology companies with facial analysis services: Microsoft, Amazon, Face++, IBM, and Google. To these companies I ask , “AI, A...

The Love Fails Theory of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Neo awakens to the Matrix. He realizes people are living under a shared illusion limiting their abilities. Because he sees beyond the illusion others call reality, Neo is free to become what they cannot. Where he has freedom, they have chains. For what limits them is not real to him. This is how nar...