Tag: Counterfactual

Counterfactual Inference Using Time Series Data

Are you ever curious about the true impact of a new marketing campaign, product launch, new government policy, or some other event? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could compare the results of the event occurring versus never occurring at all? Well, with counterfactual inference using time series d...

Improving decision quality through counterfactual thinking

Many of us have indulged in this habit of conjuring various scenarios in our minds, speculating about potential outcomes. I’m sure most of you can relate to doing this at some point in your life. Recently, I realized that this penchant for imagining different scenarios could be employed pro...

Improving decision quality through counterfactual thinking

From contemplating, “If only I had started early, I wouldn’t have missed the flight,” to pondering, “Could our product have achieved greater success with different feature priorities?” — we encounter a wide range of questions in scenarios both trivial and profound...