Tag: Connected

Humans, After All: We Live in a Hyper-Connected World, and Yet We Are Starving for Connection

“I don’t want to be alone tonight.” Something in me moved as I watched this woman, a stranger, sharing this in an Authentic Relating workshop. I felt touched because I recognized myself in her. We live in a hyper-connected world, and yet we are starving for connection. Why...

3 Top Tips for Emotionally Connected Onboarding

Effective onboarding means making an emotional connection with our new starters. Here’s three practical ways to achieve that. Emotionally connecting with new starters is incredibly important to the onboarding process. Here in Part Two of my discussion on the subject with David Larter we loo...

Announcing a book: Connected Facilitation

This version includes the introduction and Part I: Meetings. It includes two scripts and 19 techniques you can use for your everyday meetings. It’s still a bit rough, and I’d really value some feedback if you give the scripts a try in your work. Why this book now? Plenty has been w...

If we are born connected to nature, how can we stay connected to nature?

Childhood is often seen as a time to begin building connection to nature. A lot of attention is given to getting children out into nature, fostering positive experiences and establishing a connection with nature. Rather than attempting to build a connection, should efforts be directed at n...