gRPC + React: A deep dive

<p>Greetings, fellow travelers! After setting sail with our&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">Go gRPC server</a>, it&rsquo;s time to address a browser&rsquo;s reluctance to chat fluently in gRPC&rsquo;s native tongue.&nbsp;</p> <p>Picture browsers as language learners stumbling over complex sentences &mdash; gRPC&rsquo;s HTTP/2 can be a bit much. But fear not! The Envoy Proxy steps in as the linguistic bridge, making conversations smooth and seamless.</p> <p>In this second part, we dive into Envoy Proxy&rsquo;s world. We&rsquo;ll show you how to wield it for translating gRPC-Web and gRPC HTTP/2. Get ready for a proxy-powered transformation!</p> <p>P.S. If you missed&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">Part 1&rsquo;s journey</a>, it&rsquo;s a great prequel. And for those onboard, let&rsquo;s explore further! &nbsp;Stay tuned for a gRPC proxy magic ride!&nbsp;</p> <p>You can create a separate project only for this proxy or implement this configuration to your existing &ldquo;React&rdquo; project and start the proxy server when you need to.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>