Tag: gRPC

gRPC + React: A deep dive

Greetings, fellow travelers! After setting sail with our Go gRPC server, it’s time to address a browser’s reluctance to chat fluently in gRPC’s native tongue.  Picture browsers as language learners stumbling over complex sentences — gRPC’s HTTP/2 can be a b...

Why gRPC is the future of software architecture

REST is architectural style which has been a de facto while designing large scale systems these days. REST idealogy disrupted the market around 15 years back replacing SOAP based architectures because of its high performance, lighter and flexible nature. Yes of course there are many more reason to i...

gRPC vs REST: Comparing API Styles in Practice

In this article, we’ll explore APIs created using both the REST architecture and a fairly new player called gRPC. Our goal is to understand how to use these architectural styles to build APIs. What is REST? In 2000, Roy Fielding wrote his dissertation and introduced the world to an archi...

How three lines of configuration solved our gRPC scaling issues in Kubernetes

It all started with a question I asked our senior software engineer: “Forget the speed of communication. Is it really better for you to develop communication in gRPC instead of REST?” The answer I didn’t want to get came immediately: “Absolutely yes.” Before I...

Load Balancing for gRPC

Hello Everyone! This post is focused on how we can achieve load balancing using the gRPC protocol. gPRC is a technology for implementing RPC APIs that uses http/2 as its underlying protocol. Why do we need special Load Balancing for gRPC ? As compared to JSON-over-HTTP, gRPC breaks standard ...

Low-latency, real time Legal AI with Spark NLP on gRPC

Some business areas have made a bigger progress than others, as if we compare Financial Services, where AI is a reality, to the Legal sector, where it is just beginning. However, datasources as SEC’s Edgar (public), Lawinsider (propietary) and many other initiatives have...