1. Use descriptive and meaningful resource names- Instead of generic or ambiguous names, choose resource names that accurately represent the entities they represent. 2. Use HTTP methods correctly- Use the appropriate HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELE...

gRPC + React: A deep dive

Greetings, fellow travelers! After setting sail with our Go gRPC server, it’s time to address a browser’s reluctance to chat fluently in gRPC’s native tongue.  Picture browsers as language learners stumbling over complex sentences — gRPC’s HTTP/2 can be a b...

3 ways to make an API call in React

React JS is a JavaScript library for building single-page applications. It has become popular for building both single-page applications (SPAs) and mobile applications. In this blog, we will delve into all the methods for making API calls within React. An API call in React refers to making a requ...

Mastering WebSockets With Go

If we think about it, regular HTTP APIs are dumb, like, really dumb. We can fetch data by sending a request for the data. If we have to keep data fresh on a website, we will have to continuously request the data, so-called Polling. All Images in this article is made by Percy Bolmér. Goph...

Xata SQL over HTTP + ORM

These are definition of insanity. Xata are getting out of control, they does not stop release new features after released. Through hype-driven-development, “SQL over HTTP” is like a bullish trend. We’re working on multiple xata plug-in to give our best to communit...

Continuous Performance Improvement of HTTP API

In my previous post, I detailed a few code tricks to improve backend performance. How did I know where to focus and what to optimize, though? Indeed, joining Cython and other low-level gizmos to the party should have solid reasoning. I work at Athenian. Athenian offers a SaaS that helps...

Avoiding Angular Duplicate HTTP Requests with the RxJS shareReplay Operator

In modern web development, Angular has emerged as a powerful and popular framework for building dynamic and responsive applications. One of the common challenges faced by Angular developers is managing duplicate HTTP requests triggered by multiple subscribers. These duplicate requests can result in ...

HTTP codes as Valentine’s Day comics

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, it is a time for romantic hopefuls to ask out the object of their affection, and await an answer. It could be a simple “yes,” a sad “no,” or a cryptic “I don’t think about you that way, but maybe we can grab a coffee t...

Flutter for data engineering and data science!

Flutter is Google’s SDK for crafting beautiful, fast user experiences for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. According to a 2021 developer survey Flutter is the most popular cross-platform framework. Source: https://flutter.dev/ Now, thanks to Flet.d...